(interview) Interview Live with Lisa Edelstein for Starry Constellation Magazine


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    Lisa's HTTP://STARRYMAG.COM interview. It comes from the SAME press conference, so....Nothing really new.

    Q) Given the dynamics between House and Cuddy, can you talk about the challenges that you and Hugh have with keeping pace with the emotional side of the character.

    A) Challenges, we know each other quite well now, we’ve been working together for seven years, which in our line of work that’s like dog years, that’s like 49 years. So, I really feel like as our friendship as people, as we got to know each other better this kind of intimacy between the characters was an easier thing to do than if it had started from day one, where you have to kind of just jump in and pretend to know each other. So, it’s been great, I really appreciate if there was anybody that I would have to be intimate with on camera, to have it be somebody that I knew and trusted as much as I do Hugh.

    Q) Can you talk about working with Candice Bergen and what it was like to play the emotional dynamics between Cuddy, her mother, and House?

    A) Candice is amazing; she’s an incredibly bright woman, which I think just shines right through all the dialogue, and really fun to work with. I was really happy to be on set with her just historically, just because I’ve grown up watching her. It was really fun kind of pushing the envelope in terms of the fictional part of our lives and getting to see what it would be like for House to have to deal with a very pushy mom. I think having met the character of Cuddy’s mom, it’s clearer why she would be able to tolerate a guy like House.

    Q) Regarding the season opener, the thing about that episode was the dialogue between the characters was so natural and so real as opposed to— I mean just a regular episode, like say when they were picking up the glass in the bathroom. I was wondering if you could maybe elaborate on the shoot. How was it different?

    A) Well, it was more like a play. It felt more like a play. It felt very intimate and the writers felt, and I certainly agreed that you couldn’t just get these two characters together and go on as normal right away. You had to just kind of take a moment, experience these two people together, and then get back to the normal hospital stuff and House stuff. They really thought about it long and hard. They went down several different roads trying to figure out how to handle it and that was where they ended up to have this very intimate play-like episode where you just kind of were with these two people alone and experiencing intimacy and friendship.

    Q) What are your thoughts about where the relationship is heading?

    A) I think, they’re two very complicated people who really want to be together, whether or not they can is another thing, but they’re going to try as hard as they can.

    Q) You’ve played this character for a while now. How do you think Cuddy’s changed over the years?

    A) I mean, according to David Shore, characters don’t change, they get unveiled. They become more complicated in terms of how the viewers perceive them and how the writers get to write them. When you sign on to a show, you are as an actor hired to perform something that came out of the writer’s imagination. As the show goes on, how you perform that affects how the writer imagines the character and it becomes like a melding of the two. Of course, it’s always David Shore’s characters, it’s always his stories, he controls the world he controls all the puppets. But, rhythms and humor and all those things kind of become embellished once you put an actor in the part, any actor, and it’d be different no matter who plays the role. So, I think just because the show has matured, the characters have to become more complicated, more real, make different choices and have life experiences that take them on a journey, but, they don’t in essence ever really change.

    Q) What is your advice to actors?

    A) It’s a very hard business and you have to find a way to enjoy the process because if you can’t enjoy, for example auditioning and not getting the job, you will suffer too much to survive. So, you have to find a way of making each audition the performance that begins and ends there and try to have a performance experience of all the joy that you can get out of doing that, so that the whole life of an actor is something you derive pleasure from.

    Q) With the show sort of there’s some very intense scenes and then there’s humorous scenes, what’s the atmosphere like usually on set? Are you guys very into the scene or is there a lot of pranking and joking around?

    A) We’re not pranksters. We have too much to do, but there are a lot of great wits on this crew. There’s some very smart, very disturbed people that work together so it’s more of just funny … but mostly, it’s very concentrated; it’s a lot of fun because we all like each other. If the scene is very heavy then, you have to take your time away to concentrate and just kind of stay in that space. The lighter scenes are of course always more fun and playful.

    Q) I guess it was last season you guys did an episode that was centered on Cuddy. What did you bring from that experience?

    A) Well, I had a great time, I mean not just because the show was about my character. It was really fun for me to kind of be the person that’s on set the most, kind of setting the pace and the atmosphere on stage because you really are responsible for that when you’re there the most. If you have an attitude or you’re tired then it kind of drags everything down. It was fun to have that responsibility and I loved doing it. I loved it, but boy, Hugh must be exhausted.

    Q) If someone had told you during Season One or Two that House and Cuddy would be a couple, what would you have thought of that?

    A) I wouldn’t have been surprised. I thought I saw it in the pilot and then it just kind of didn’t become a story and then— I just felt like they have a complicated relationship and if the show lasted long enough it would be a relationship worth exploring. If you had told me that House and Cuddy would be getting together in Season 6 or Season 7, I would have more surprised that we would have had a Season 7, because that’s probably more shocking than anything else.

    Q) What do you think that Cuddy’s clothes say about her?

    A) Well, she’s very controlling and so she wears very structured type outfits. Her life is very restricted, she really is all work and very little play and so again, she can’t even run fast in those skirts. I like the way, everything about what she wears kind of holds her in. She just doesn’t have great freedom. She’s also a woman and lives most of her life out at the hospital so she uses that time to go sexy and beautiful.

    Q) Are there any actors on the set that are very similar to their characters in any particular way?

    A) I don’t think so, no, people are a lot goofier than they are on the show. It’s just a very funny, goofy bunch, but bright, super-smart in that way we’re like our characters.

    Q) As far as Dr. Cuddy’s character goes, what are the best qualities that you think she portrays to the general public?

    A) Well, I think she has a remarkable amount of responsibility and she takes it all on and she does a good job at it, and sometimes she screws up, but she keeps moving forward, she doesn’t let it get in the way. She’s really trying to learn and really trying to live a full life despite the fact that she’s working from 5 to 9 every day.

    Q) Does Cuddy’s family enlighten us more about her background and offer further character development for her? What are the consequences for House and Cuddy having Cuddy’s mom and Cuddy’s sister there during a family health crisis?

    A) Absolutely, we had an episode air already with Cuddy’s mom and I think it definitely enlightens us about who Cuddy is and where she comes from and why she can tolerate a guy like House, because her mother’s so difficult. When the health crisis hits, it’s even more complicated and it gets very, very messy.

    Q) I was hoping you could talk about if there’ll be maybe another Cuddy focused episode in the future?

    A) I haven’t the faintest idea. No, they don’t tell me things like that. I didn’t even know about that Cuddy episode until almost—like a couple of weeks beforehand.

    Q) Are there any guest stars that you can tell us about or anyone that you’d like to have on the show?

    A) Candice Bergen and Paula Marshall are coming up. I honestly can’t remember a thing about anything else we shot. I’m so bad at remembering who’s been on and I’m so bad at remembering names that I’m sorry, I can’t answer your question better.

    Q) Could you kind of talk about, a little bit how you might spend a day off as opposed to your character.

    A) I spend days off taking care of myself. Just going for walks, hikes with my dogs and having slow mornings trying to slow my pace down, swimming, just doing things that keep me calm and slow. I try not to drive very much. I try to just keep it peaceful. We work really hard, even when we’re not working, going to events, doing charity stuff. I hate saying that, because everybody works really hard in this world, but the specific pressure that we’re under, I find relief just kind of lying really low and being really quiet.

    Q) Have you had a chance to spend any time at a hospital recently, and could you compare that to the work environment, the medical work environment?

    A) Last year I got to observe this really cool surgery, and I had a really great time doing it. For me in the hospital a lot of the doctors watch the show so they’re very excited to have us around, and I really love biology. It was so interesting observing, it reminded me more of Nip/Tuck than it did of House, but it was still great.

    Q) What is your secret to staying in such great shape?

    A) Oh, well thank you very much. I just try to eat really well, and I think that’s about it. You really have to take responsibility for what you put in your body and eating really well does not mean you eat boring, tasteless food. I’ve learned how to cook; I’ve become a great cook. I make incredible meals for my friends who are not particularly healthy eaters or vegetarian, and they never go away unsatisfied. I just think you have to really nurture a great relationship with food.

    Q) What’s your favorite healthy snack or is there one healthy thing you eat every single day?

    A) I eat salads all the time. I love salad. I love avocado. I love kale. I love broccoli. These are my foods that I crave. I love celery. I love cucumbers. They used to call me rabbit when I was a little kid.

    Q) Along those lines, have you ever thought of putting out a vegan cookbook or recipe book?

    A) No I haven’t because I really steal from other recipe books and just kind of make them my own so I feel like the whole thing would be plagiarism, with a couple of real recipes of my own in there. But, I guess a lot of people do that and then write their own books. There’s a really great book that I would recommend called Clean Food that I just got this winter and it’s extraordinary and it’s got a lot of really good information in it and a lot of really delicious recipes that aren’t hard to make. I’ll tell you who the author is, I am going to pull it out right now, her name is Terry Walters, and I couldn’t recommend it more, I love it.

    Q) After seven seasons why do you think people continue to tune in and watch House?

    A) It’s the magic bullet, isn’t it, I’m so happy about it. I can only thank David Shore and Hugh Laurie and just be grateful for the ride. It’s so arbitrary what makes it and what doesn’t, and there’s so many elements. We had the luxury of being on after American Idol when we started. Our first six episodes we were on our own and we would’ve been canceled on any other network because we didn’t’ really have a lot of audience. But, as soon as American Idol started that season and we got some eyeballs—we got 28 million eyeballs on our show—it was an incredible thing and a lot of those people stuck with us. I think that really had a lot to do with it.

    Q) About three months ago, you said that you guys had not yet been signed for next year. Are you guys all on board for next season yet?

    A) No, I think there’s some issue between— We are produced by NBC, even though we’re on FOX, which is a little unusual but not that uncommon. So, there’s a whole complicated structure of that in terms of who pays for what when you make a show. Now that the show’s been on for so long, I think NBC wants FOX to take over the cost of production and FOX doesn’t want to take that over, so there’s just been some dispute there. I think if you’d look on deadlinehollywood.com there’s more information. Until that’s resolved, they can’t even begin to talk to any of us. I know that they officially have Hugh for an eighth season. He negotiated that a long time ago. So, the rest of us will have to wait until the contract is finished between the studio and the network.

    Q) I love the way that David Shore and the writers are approaching this very adult relationship between House and Cuddy, but my question is what does Cuddy do for House, and what does House do for Cuddy? What do they do for each other that really bring out the best in each other?

    A) I think there’s a great history there and as you get older that is a really important thing to have with somebody. A sense of time having passed and problems having been conquered, truths having been faced, that really has enormous value. I think for him, she is someone he trusts; he knows that she wants the best for him. He knows that she’ll tell him when things have gone too far and then he decides for himself whether he wants to listen. But, she’s definitely someone he trusts. For her, I think it’s his intelligence and his brilliance that really excite her. Getting attention from a man like that is not an easy thing to achieve, and having achieved it, I think there’s kind of a rush of excitement. Whether or not he is ultimately someone she can trust is I think something he still has to prove.

    Q) Since it’s been such a will they or won’t they relationship for so long how do you feel that’s different from the other typical will they or won’t they situations that are on TV right now?

    A) Well, first of all, I don’t think that show was centered around will they or won’t they. So, that gives you a lot more freedom to play with, will and won’t. It doesn’t rely on them ever getting together, it really is a show about House and his journey, and in his journey he’s had a series of relationships on the show that he’s explored and learned from and this is one of those, this is part of his path.

    Q) Could you talk about what your hopes are for the future of the show, if there’s anything that you’d like to see happen in the course of the story line for Cuddy and House.

    A) I stay out of it, I would hate to see David Shore reading my opinion about what should happen about my character and House. So, I just stay out of it and enjoy the ride.

  2. frances

    User deleted

    GrAzie tere! Ma sono di nuovo le stesse dei giOrni passati! Si vede che a quella conferenza c'erano proprio tutti!! :)


    CITAZIONE (frances @ 28/1/2011, 14:27) 
    GrAzie tere! Ma sono di nuovo le stesse dei giOrni passati! Si vede che a quella conferenza c'erano proprio tutti!! :)

    ah ok XD allora dimentica l'ultimo post nel tuo office XDD
  4. ~ßennyH~

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    Grazie mille Tere ^^


    CITAZIONE (~ßennyH~ @ 29/1/2011, 20:52) 
    Grazie mille Tere ^^

    di niente ;D


    Lisa Edelstein On “House” And More

    House’s star Lisa Edelstein returned to work a couple of weeks ago to finish shooting the last third of the eventful seventh season of FOX’s hit drama. On screen, it’s easy to see she’s having a blast with the much awaited exploration of Hugh Laurie’s genius, House, as he navigates his way through a relationship with his boss, Dr. Lisa Cuddy. These two not only please and tease the audience with their chemistry and their so-far successful attempt to make it work, but they also remain themselves, providing new thrills to the show each week. House and Cuddy are busy enough adjusting to life at work and at home caring for Rachel (Kayla/Rylie Colbert), as seen in “Unplanned Parenthood” and “Carrot or Stick.” On top of that, Cuddy’s mother Arlene (Candice Bergen) has dropped by to check out her daughter’s misanthropic, yet brilliant boyfriend in “Larger Than Life” stirring up some trouble which probably foreshadows the upcoming chaos that will occur in “Family Practice,” set to air in February. The “impossibly glamorous Lisa Edelstein” – to quote her leading man himself – was ever so gracious, articulate and witty when she took a moment to answer a few questions for the media this week. Find out what she shared with us about House and Cuddy, her character’s development, having to play off Candice Bergen, what she enjoys doing on her rare days off, staying healthy, and the direction of the show.

    About the much anticipated and hyped season opener “Now What?” and why it was such an original episode:

    L. E.: Well, It felt more like a play. It felt very intimate and the writers felt, and I certainly agreed that you couldn’t just get these two characters together and go on as normal right away. You had to just kind of take a moment, experience these two people together, and then get back to the normal hospital stuff and House stuff. They really thought about it long and hard. They went down several different roads trying to figure out how to handle it and that was where they ended up to have this very intimate play-like episode where you just kind of were with these two people alone and experiencing intimacy and friendship. I think, they’re two very complicated people who really want to be together, whether or not they can is another thing, but they’re going to try as hard as they can.

    On what the on screen uncommon couple brings to each other’s table:

    L. E.: I think there’s a great history there and as you get older that is a really important thing to have with somebody. A sense of time having passed and problems having been conquered, truths having been faced, that really has enormous value. I think for him, she is someone he trusts; he knows that she wants the best for him. He knows that she’ll tell him when things have gone too far and then he decides for himself whether he wants to listen. But, she’s definitely someone he trusts. For her, I think it’s his intelligence and his brilliance that really excite her. Getting attention from a man like that is not an easy thing to achieve, and having achieved it, I think there’s kind of a rush of excitement. Whether or not he is ultimately someone she can trust is I think something he still has to prove.

    On the kind of atmosphere it is on set regarding the intensity of the rhythm and if they get release from humor:

    L. E.: We’re not pranksters. We have too much to do, but there are a lot of great wits on this crew. There are some very smart, very disturbed people that work together so it’s more of just funny but mostly, it’s very concentrated; it’s a lot of fun because we all like each other. If the scene is very heavy then, you have to take your time away to concentrate and just kind of stay in that space. The lighter scenes are of course always more fun and playful. People are a lot goofier than they are on the show. It’s just a very funny, goofy bunch, but bright, super-smart in that way we’re like our characters.

    Lisa Edelstein on Lisa Cuddy’s evolutions:

    L. E.: I don’t really think she’s changed — I mean, according to David Shore, characters don’t change, they get unveiled. They become more complicated in terms of how the viewers perceive them and how the writers get to write them. When you sign on to a show, you are as an actor hired to perform something that came out of the writer’s imagination. As the show goes on, how you perform that affects how the writer imagines the character and it becomes like a melding of the two. Of course, it’s always David Shore’s characters, it’s always his stories, he controls the world he controls all the puppets. But, rhythms and humor and all those things kind of become embellished once you put an actor in the part, any actor, and it’d be different no matter who plays the role. So, I think just because the show has matured, the characters have to become more complicated, more real, make different choices and have life experiences that take them on a journey, but, they don’t in essence ever really change.

    Lisa Edelstein on who Lisa Cuddy is:

    L. E.: Well, she’s very controlling and so she wears very structured type outfits. Her life is very restricted, she really is all work and very little play and so again, she can’t even run fast in those skirts. I like the way, everything about what she wears kind of holds her in. She just doesn’t have great freedom. She’s also a woman and lives most of her life out at the hospital so she uses that time to go sexy and beautiful. I think she has a remarkable amount of responsibility and she takes it all on and she does a good job at it, and sometimes she screws up, but she keeps moving forward, she doesn’t let it get in the way. She’s really trying to learn and really trying to live a full life despite the fact that she’s working from 5 to 9 every day.

    On her experience doing “5 to 9” last season as it centered on Cuddy:

    L. E.: Well, I had a great time, I mean not just because the show was about my character. It was really fun for me to kind of be the person that’s on set the most, kind of setting the pace and the atmosphere on stage because you really are responsible for that when you’re there the most. If you have an attitude or you’re tired then it kind of drags everything down. It was fun to have that responsibility and I loved doing it. I loved it, but boy, Hugh must be exhausted.

    On how she liked playing opposite Candice Bergen, how it enlightens her character and what it means for her and House during the health crisis:

    L. E.: Candice is amazing; she’s an incredibly bright woman, which I think just shines right through all the dialogue, and really fun to work with. I was really happy to be on set with her just historically, just because I’ve grown up watching her. It was really fun kind of pushing the envelope in terms of the fictional part of our lives and getting to see what it would be like for House to have to deal with a very pushy mom. We had an episode air already with Cuddy’s mom and I think it definitely enlightens us about who Cuddy is and where she comes from and I think having met the character of Cuddy’s mom, it’s clearer why she would be able to tolerate a guy like House because her mother is so difficult. When the health crisis hits, it’s even more complicated and it gets very, very messy.

    On what she does to nurture herself and stay fit:

    L. E.: I spend days off taking care of myself. Just going for walks, hikes with my dogs and having slow mornings trying to slow my pace down, swimming, just doing things that keep me calm and slow. I try not to drive very much. I try to just keep it peaceful. We work really hard, even when we’re not working, going to events, doing charity stuff. I hate saying that, because everybody works really hard in this world, but the specific pressure that we’re under, I find relief just kind of lying really low and being really quiet. I also just try to eat really well, and I think that’s about it. You really have to take responsibility for what you put in your body and eating really well does not mean you eat boring, tasteless food. I’ve learned how to cook; I’ve become a great cook. I make incredible meals for my friends who are not particularly healthy eaters or vegetarian, and they never go away unsatisfied. I just think you have to really nurture a great relationship with food. I eat salads all the time. I love salad. I love avocado. I love kale. I love broccoli. These are my foods that I crave. I love celery. I love cucumbers. They used to call me rabbit when I was a little kid.

    On House’s success:

    L. E.: It’s the magic bullet, isn’t it, I’m so happy about it. I can only thank David Shore and Hugh Laurie and just be grateful for the ride. It’s so arbitrary what makes it and what doesn’t, and there are so many elements. We had the luxury of being on after American Idol when we started. Our first six episodes we were on our own and we would’ve been canceled on any other network because we didn’t’ really have a lot of audience. But, as soon as American Idol started that season and we got some eyeballs—we got 28 million eyeballs on our show—it was an incredible thing and a lot of those people stuck with us. I think that really had a lot to do with it.

    Edelstein concluded her Q&A session acknowledging the mastermind behind House, creator David Shore, who she has complete confidence in about her hopes for the show’s future and Cuddy’s life with House. “I just stay out of it and enjoy the ride.” We’re right there with you Lisa, especially since Shore is back at the helm full force following the few storyline changes the producers were asked to make!

  7. frances

    User deleted

    Grazie Tere! <3 Domani traduco le parti che non sono uguali alle altre interviste prese dalla press conference! :)


    di niente cara ;D grazie a te <3
  9. huddylori

    User deleted

    I soliti ringraziamenti!! :lol:
  10. ~ßennyH~

    User deleted

    Grazie Tere! ^^


    CITAZIONE (~ßennyH~ @ 31/1/2011, 22:11) 
    Grazie Tere! ^^

    di niente ;D
  12. Polly88

    User deleted

    Grazieee!! <3 <3


    CITAZIONE (Polly88 @ 31/1/2011, 23:09) 
    Grazieee!! <3 <3

    di nulla ;D
  14. barbarae

    User deleted

    AHHHHH Cucciola ma tu mi vuoi morta!!!! LOL Leggere quanto sia stata felice di girare NW perchè con Hugh si conoscono ,sono amici, che non abvrebbe pensato a persona migliore.... e poi pensare che sta con un cesso del genere......mah.........mi riprenderò tra qualche minuto...forse......
    Grazie tesssssssoooorooooooooo


    CITAZIONE (barbarae @ 1/2/2011, 10:28) 
    AHHHHH Cucciola ma tu mi vuoi morta!!!! LOL Leggere quanto sia stata felice di girare NW perchè con Hugh si conoscono ,sono amici, che non abvrebbe pensato a persona migliore.... e poi pensare che sta con un cesso del genere......mah.........mi riprenderò tra qualche minuto...forse......
    Grazie tesssssssoooorooooooooo

    di niente :wub:
45 replies since 20/1/2011, 22:37   234 views